As a leading designer and manufacturer of RF equipment, we are committed to continuously improving our impact on our employees, the wider community and the environment, while maintaining the highest standards of governance.

ETL Systems Corporate Responsibility Report
C3 Building
ETL Building exterior1
ETL Headquarters

Commitment to Net Zero

ETL’s Carbon Reduction Roadmap aims to reduce emissions year-on-year in line with NET Zero reduction targets. Our updated roadmap states a Net Zero target date of 2050 and a target of a 70% reduction in CO2e emissions by 2033 (from the baseline position)

People working on large fuse board3
Energy Monitoring System

Energy Monitoring

In January 2024 we installed a new energy monitoring system to capture overall electricity consumption and a breakdown of key equipment consumption (including air conditioning and plant facilities).

Man on red bike4
Active Travel

Green Travel Scheme

Encouraging employees to commute using eco-friendly modes of transportation is a key initiative at ETL, aimed at decreasing traffic congestion caused by single-occupancy vehicles. The Green Travel Scheme, initiated in 2022, promotes active travel, car sharing and the use of public transportation. Various programs and incentives are in place to facilitate this shift, including reward opportunities for participants.

Waste Management

ETL’s headquarters operates at zero waste to landfill with waste being streamed into general (recovered for energy) and recycling. Initiatives to increase recycling are continuously being sought such as direct recycling of plastic, bubble wrap and foam and recyclable packaging and re-use of products.

Quality & Environmental Management

ETL operates under ISO 9001 Quality Management System and ISO 14001 Environmental Management System.
We are continuously working on improving our processes and systems in place that impact our Quality and Environmental performance.

Sustainable Procurement

ETL is committed to operating responsibly and sustainably. As a design and manufacturing company of RF technology solutions, embedding this into our procurement process is key to sustainable business growth. Our Sustainable Procurement Policy sets out our approach to procurement across key areas.

Product Design

Environmental impact is at the heart of product development. The GENUS modular range has standardised and reduced parts in the supply chain. Digital-IF (new technology) brings incredible environmental benefits by shifting from a hardware to a software-focused solution – an inherently lower carbon footprint (less hardware infrastructure, on-site management and travelling).

CNNow Badge ETL Systems 2022 2023
External ETL social event9
ETL Systems Ltd GB English 2023 Certification Badge
Men and Women in hi vis jackets10
Fire Safety Team

Health & Safety

Health and Safety is integral to how we do business as a responsible employer; ensuring that we provide a safe and healthy working environment for our staff whilst at work and others who could be affected by our work activities.

ETL Systesm Ltd Global Sales Conference 2024
Annual Global Sales Conference

Training and Development

ETL’s Career Pathways programme works alongside our performance review process to support employees in achieving their career aims, recognising strengths and development areas and exploring opportunities.

ETL Systems Ltd Summer Interns 2024
Supporting Students

Early Careers

ETL actively engages with education establishments to seek students who are interested in exploring a career at ETL, within engineering, or another one of ETL’s departments.

Employee Surveys

Staff feedback is critical to understanding where improvements can be made across the business.

In FY24 we attained ‘Great Place To Work’ certification (Nov 23 – Nov 24), with 72% of staff recommending ETL as a great place to work.

Employee Forum

The ETL Employee Forum launched in March 2023 gives representatives from all areas of the business a platform to openly discuss, debate and voice opinions.

Employee Events

ETL places a significant emphasis on employee events, where our Facilities Manager, Lynn Shaw collaborates with various teams to organize a diverse array of events throughout the year, catering to the entire company or specific teams.

Community Engagement

ETL aims to be a trusted partner within our communities, fostering positive and expanding connections with local educational institutions and charitable organisations.


Corporate Governance

ETL’s Board of Directors is comprised of both Executive and Non-Executive members with a diverse range of experience.

Code of Business Ethics

ETL is committed to promoting the highest standards of openness, integrity, and accountability.

The Company encourages all employees to conduct themselves in accordance with high moral and ethical standards showing respect, integrity, honesty, fairness, and in full compliance with the law.

Supply Chain Management

ETL’s relationship with its suppliers and third parties is critical for ethical and sustainable business growth as part of a network of other organisations, people, and the environment.

ETL’s Supplier Code of Conduct complements ETL’s ESG Policy and Framework and Sustainable Procurement Policy by encouraging socially and environmentally responsible business ethics across this network.

Cyber Security and Data Protection

ETL complies with all applicable data privacy laws and regulations including GDPR. Cyber Security accreditation is in place with UK Cyber Essentials. We have a strong cybersecurity strategy in place to monitor cyber protection including regular network and device scanning and reporting.

Export Control & Compliance

ETL’s Export Control Compliance Policies ensure compliance with UK and US export legislation and export controls. The Company carries out an annual review of ETL products and technologies against the Export Control Lists and training is delivered to relevant teams.

Anti-Bribery & Corruption

It is the policy of ETL to conduct all of its business honestly and ethically. The Company takes a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption in whatever form it may be encountered.

Anti-Competitive Practices

ETL does not tolerate any anti-competitive behaviour or actions that could result in a breach of competition law, whether legal, ethical, or moral. All staff and third parties acting on behalf of ETL must comply with the company’s Anti-Competitive Practices Policy.

This outlines obligations and conduct required when dealing with competitors, customers and relating to a dominant market share.