News / Product / Bench Mounted Satellite Simulator Equipment

Bench Mounted Satellite Simulator Equipment

Atlantic Microwave’s range of Bench Instrumentation Satellite Simulators enable RF testing of mobile satellite communication systems without the need of cabling, providing a loop-back test for Satcom terminals without the need to access the satellite.

The bench mounted instrumentation products offer portability and space saving opportunities as do not require a 19” rack system.

Benefits of Bench Satellite Simulators

Tests SNG Systems Off Satellite

  • Covers all Ku Band SNG Frequencies Depot Based or Portable
  • Easy and Quick Operation
  • Ethernet and Local Controls
  • Fully Turnkey

Atlantic also offer a range of portable – battery powered and Ruggedised satellite simulators.

Bespoke and Custom Build Satcom RF Test Equipment

While Atlantic Microwave offers ranges of standard products for use in satellite communications and general laboratory test and measurement, many of our customers require bespoke solutions which we are able to address in a variety of different ways.

We work closely with our customers to arrive at the optimum in performance and cost effectiveness either from an overall specification or from a customer driven block diagram or as a build-to-print project.